TLC Beauty Therapy | Wilsden | Yorkshire

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UK stockist of LiLash Lash Serum and LiBrow Brow Serum the best selling lash and brow growth serums

Filtering by Tag: best eyebrow serum

Growing lashes and brows back after Chemotherapy treatment

Without a doubt, the best transformation yet!

Losing your eyelashes, eyebrows and other hair on your body can be a side effect of chemotherapy treatment and a complete knock to your confidence. They may take up to a year to grow back fully.

"After losing all of my eyebrows and lashes during chemotherapy, I felt so self-conscious. I started the Lilash brow and lash serum to try and speed up the process of growing them back. I am so impressed! After just 6 weeks I have thick fluffy brows and my eyelashes are almost back to where they were before but so much thicker! Can’t wait to see the results after 6 more weeks. Thank you to Heather and Lilash, I have my confidence back ❤️"

Eyelashes can be quite patchy when they start to grow back. Eyebrows may grow back thinner or patchier. They tend to grow back at a different rate to the hair on your head. 

Many people turn to lash and brow serums to help restore their lashes and brows after their treatment has finished. You can see why!

I'm so pleased that in just 6 weeks of using LiLash lash serum and LiBrow brow serum, my lovely customer’s lashes and brows are growing back beautifully.

If you know someone going through something similar. Please share or ask them to get in touch. I am always happy to answer questions and hopefully help someone else.